The Story so far

Condition Redwere formed in 1990 by the remaining members of the 80`s Punk band "Flowers of Death", bassist Howie and drummer Henning .
After using up a couple of guitarists they ended up with madman Henry (ex-Grown)
in 1993, who still doesn`t seem to get fed up with these two nutters.
Gigs in northern Germany included support shows for The Damned
, Social Distortion,
Bad Religion, U.S. Bombs, Chelsea, Havana 3 AM
and Sonny Vincent.

The explosive live show offers a choice of own material and a variety of covers, which
will be played on demand. Also old Rock`n`Roll - , Soul - , R`n`B - , Reggae - and
Country - classics are being mutilated.

In 1995 the 13 - track CD "A.G.A.T.T.Y.O.T." was recorded as a demo. For those of you who wonder `bout the title - it stands for "A Good Advice To The Youth Of Today" and is not the name of an ancient demon god (as rumour has it). The tracks are :

Mystery, Down Down Down, Loser`s Place, Observer , King Of The Road,
Ton Of Bricks
, Jailboy`s Song, Don`t Mess With My Heart, Communist Jazz,
Big City,
A.G.A.T.T.Y.O.T., Throw It All Away, Always Remember

(click the marked songs to download mp3 file)

Condition Red - A.G.A.T.T.Y.O.T.  CD - cover

In 1996 the tracks "Rock`n`Roll is a hard life " and "Window Cleaner" were recorded for a north-German Punk/R`n`R compilation. "R`n`R is a hard life" is the title-track and was written as a birthday present for the producer of that album.

In November 2002 we finally made it to a studio again and recorded the new tracks : Sense Of Humour, The Big Sellout, What Went Wrong ?, So Vicious,
(There Goes) My Career (Again), Nowheresville, Cop Shop, Knocking On My Door,
It`s The Mind
and a cover of
The Dils` "You`re Not Blank".
While the first CD included elements of Rock, Reggae, Jazz and Country the
new material is just pure Punk ! Wanna listen ? Right-click the songtitles that are
in red and choose "save target as..." !

We`re still looking for a label to release our stuff, so if there`s any interest - click


Condition Red Henning Howie Henry

Condition Red
are : ( from left to right )

If you want to buy our CD or ask us to play at your event - just send us an email !

If you wanna buy Condition Red t-shirts - go here !


Please feel free to e-mail your comments, questions, suggestions,
inspitations, insults, threats or whatever !

Condition Red - click if you`re stuck in someone else`s frame